Mizuki Sasori

Current Events: Mizuki travels where she wills, but seems to be following a rather common path; seeking work no matter where it comes. Though she holds herself at a distance and behaves in manners withdrawn and secret, she is friendly enough to offer a smile to those whose eyes she meets. At times, even in a crowd, she seems detached and burdened by something on the mind.

Often found in the most general of traveling garb, Mizuki doesn't carry a very dominating air to her. She strides through alleys and dangerous locations with guarded caution, and on her best days can present a confident demeanor that is as charming as it is comforting. She is a woman who shows little outward signs of always watching her surroundings, though those who linger on her for more than passing moments may find that she is, indeed, ever-watching.

While on the smaller end of the scale for a female Raen, what Mizuki lacks in height she makes up for in unique appearance; she's oft described as a living ray of moonlight, her skin a pale shade that carries with it an underlying glimmer of silver dusting. Along her back is a spray of freckles from her shoulders to the base of her tail in a 'v', and in damp weather or after a swim, they seem to glimmer with a holographic quality.

She is impeccably clean to an almost obsessive level; it's difficult, if not impossible, to find her with any sign of dirt or debris on her, save for when she has just come in from work in the field. Her hair, surprisingly thick and soft despite the fine strands, is neatly upkept and trimmed often. Her nails are manicured, her make-up is limited but impeccable.

Though she is small in frame, she sports a healthy figure, and while her clothes are generally simple in design and inexpensive in fabric, they are tailored to such a degree that it's clear that though she displays an air of modest means, there are little hints and tells that this woman is one familiar with coin and trade.

Mizuki is often described in manners that conflict depending on whom is doing the describing; in essence, she is a trained social chameleon who trades demeanor, mood, and carriage as easily as one trades one hat for another. In spite of this, there are some commonalities between the personalities that carry no matter whose description is being listened to; she is precise in speech and movement, even casual movements seemingly calculated. She listens carefully, observant and understanding, and is often both sympathetic and empathetic.

Even so, there are others who speak of an undercurrent of a threat or instability. She watches with the unerring calm of a predator content in their territory, a serpent in the grass poised and ready to strike when she pleases, and nothing less. Little does she completely relax, except for in the company of a rare few, and that cultured upbringing that lurks beneath her very being is as evident in the careful pedigree of her refined features as it is in how she carries herself. Posture formal, commanding, confident.

Exceedingly rare are the most unbelievable descriptors; a cold-hearted and ruthless woman who lacks care and compassion, whose pale gaze glimmers only just less than the daggers she holds, and whose favorite color is the fresh, hot, and sticky red of blood across a the canvas of pale silver that is her skin.


'Help me, please!': Mizuki is known among the destitute and underserved as something of a saint, but for all the wrong reasons. Whores, thieves and beggars know where to find her - and they're quick to protect their own by pointing them her way. If your character is in need of protection, seeking her out and pleading your case is an option; and not all of her deals require gil.

'Toxin Vendor': Mizuki's skill in crafting disabling mixtures is rather well-known in the underground, and she's not beyond taking a job for a specific mix. Her specialty is paralytics of varying severity, a fair few of which are artfully crafted for less-than-savory purposes.

'A cup and company.': Rumors of Mizuki's sexual appetites aren't exactly forthcoming, but there are heavy hints that when it comes to goading the woman into bed, gil is expected to be part of the transaction. Those who seek such should offer her a glass of plum wine and privacy; some deals are best made away from prying eyes.

'The Pale Scorpion': [ Steppe Xaela, only.] While some bounties are certainly out for her head in some manner or another, several originate entirely from the Steppe itself. No name is attached, but rumors swirl about a small and lethal woman known simply as the 'pale scorpion,' so named for her particular fighting style. Her crimes are beyond mere theft and well into blood sport - but due to the politics of the Steppe, the bounties may only be claimed by those of the Steppe and still in good standing with their tribes - then again, if bringing a woman with tribe blood on her hands in would put you back in a position of respect...

'A healing heart.': Likely unexpected, Mizuki's skills in the arts of healing are rather practical but experienced. She's a decent hand with most non-magic varieties of healing, her skills in magical healing limited and tailored more toward the removal of impurities than the sealing of flesh. So long as you aren't dying, she might be able to take care of you.

... and many more!


Hello! Thanks for taking a look at this, even the bottom. Mizuki is an alternate of mine that I created just to escape responsibilities and have fun. To that end, it's really important to me to be upfront about a few of my boundaries;

I'm not here to play therapist, ever. As much as I love helping people, my job is heavily draining emotionally and mentally, and I'm actively learning to rewire my own boundaries for my health. I'm very friendly and quite patient, but if your life is coming down around your ears, please see a specialist - I'm here to play.

I am not responsible for your fun, ever. Mizuki is an alternate form of my main, but she is still an alternate. My priority will be to my responsibilities regarding my personal health and the communities I manage. I will not always be available, and I hold a firm expectation that those I interact with will not put me in a position I haven't agreed to.

I do not consent to certain topics with those under the age of 18! I can't express how important this one is to me. I am open to themes and topics that are best left to those who are over the age of eighteen and mature enough to handle those topics responsibly. This includes, but is not limited to; sexual content and content that may involve conflict, trauma, or uncomfortable topics.

If you can't handle hearing no, you shouldn't approach. It has taken years, but I am finally in a place where I feel comfortable setting boundaries and saying no - and doing so without apologizing. I am passionate about character and world creation/development, but I also play characters that enjoy sex; Mizuki is no different. If I feel that our playtime focuses more on sex than growth, I will decline interactions until the balance is back in place.

Do not meta-game knowledge, please. Mizuki is something like an alter of my main; where she is an established businesswoman and a friendly face in the community, Mizuki is the side of her that does what she cannot. Mizuki will not respond to her actual name, nor will she talk about her life outside of Mizuki. I do not give permission for those lines to be crossed, and players need to respect that. Don't play cute or coy - you meta this, our interactions end. This is, of course, different if it's been actually discovered or we've previously discussed your character knowing both. Please don't assume, just communicate.

My personal life is mine, please and thank you. I volunteer readily that I am in my 30's, that I am female, and that I am employed full-time. There is very little more that is needed to know beyond that. Please allow me to volunteer personal information; I'm very uncomfortable when people pry towards things they have no business knowing, especially intimate information. I'm here to roleplay in fantasy-land, not seek a life partner.